How do I schedule appointments?
E-mail me at ron@thelifenavigation.com or call me at 860.689.9600. I will make every effort to get back to you within 24 hours, and usually before that.
I do not live anywhere near your office. Can you still be my Life Navigator?
Yes! For the past few years, I have and continue to offer Life Navigation via video counseling using FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, or just telephone.
What can I expect from the initial free consultation?
The call is for you to tell me about your situation and ask me questions about how I work and how I can best help you set a course for your wellbeing. It also gives you a sense of my personality and what it will be like working together. The call also gives me information on how I can best meet your needs; if I feel that I’m not the right person for you, I will give you an appropriate referral to someone else I think could assist you.
Can you prescribe medication if it is indicated?
I am not a physician and cannot diagnose nor prescribe for any medical condition. In situations where I believe this might be indicated, I refer people to an appropriate medical professional.
How long will I/we have to see you? How many sessions?
In the absence of knowing our destination, there is no way to know how long it will take to get there. Each person’s or couple’s journey is unique. For some, just a few sessions. For example, maybe you are struggling with a career decision and you just want to explore your options and what the right path is for you. Or perhaps, you have some mild stress and you want to explore a few tips and techniques to help you feel more relaxed and empowered. It is possible that these issues might take only a few Navigational sessions and you have arrived at your destination. For others, you may feel overwhelmed by current issues and/or those from your past. For example, if you are working through some tough trauma, anxiety or depression, or recovery from an abusive relationship, it may be helpful to attend Navigational counseling for several months to a year or more. This will offer us an opportunity to develop a strong, trusting relationship, help determine your destination and establish a safe pathway on your journey to wellbeing.
I don’t feel like I have any major problems. Can I still benefit from Life Navigation?
Many people and couples feel like this. In fact, this is part of the challenge people face. Many are opposed to identifying and addressing their issues because "It could be so much worse, and I/we believe I/we am/are doing just fine for now." Feeling ‘Just OK’ is not ideal. Not having a clear sense of where you are, and the surrounding climate, can definitely inhibit your short and long-term wellbeing. Importantly, ‘Just OK’ is not a sustainable lifestyle. Life Navigation will guide you to an enhanced awareness of WHO you are and empowering skills of overall wellbeing.
Are you available 24/7 for emergencies?
In case of emergencies only, I am available 24/7. However, if you are feeling suicidal, please call 911 immediately as you are in urgent need of medical care